Tagged: Savings

5 Practical Tips for All-Season Energy Savings

5 Practical Tips for All-Season Energy Savings

5 Practical Tips for All-Season Energy Savings Replacing windows and doors is the fourth most common home-remodeling project and experts say it can dramatically reduce utility bills. Yet when it comes to choosing more energy-efficient options, consumers might be overwhelmed by the whirlwind of technology, terminology and options on the market today. Homeowners need to be armed with accurate information in order to make the best choices about the many available options. That’s especially true as energy costs continue to climb. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program estimates that the savings from replacing single-pane with Energy Star-qualified windows ranges...

Building Long-term Energy Savings Into Your Home

Building Long-term Energy Savings Into Your Home

Building Long-term Energy Savings Into Your Home While new homes are 100 percent more energy efficient today than those built three decades ago, most people are not familiar with how to actually design energy savings into the infrastructure of their home. Here are a few ways to save energy in your home: * Windows and doors: Today’s architecture takes advantage of increased window space and elaborate entry systems. This style enhancement certainly adds to the appeal of a home, but it increases the importance of having energy-efficient windows and doors. On average, a household spends nearly 50 percent of its...

Putting Home Energy Savings on to Your System

Putting Home Energy Savings on to Your System

Putting Home Energy Savings on to Your System Using home energy everyday is easy. But, receiving high electric bills at the end of the month may be a little hard for you. Since most homeowners like you, want to know how to get those electric bill in a manageable and acceptable digits, there are several systems designed to particularly answer this. Systems that are guaranteed to make your electric bills low. Here are those: Insulating – The best way to keep your body warm is by wearing not only just thick clothing, but also clothes that will trap the body...

Fall Home Energy Savings Tips

Fall Home Energy Savings Tips

Fall Home Energy Savings Tips Fall Home Energy Savings Tips: Preparing for the Winter Whether you like it or not and whether you come prepared or not, winter is coming. So better not sit on your couch and wait for it to come like a dooms day, move and be prepared! Winter means one thing: cold air. But for those who are conscious enough to notice, winter means larger electric bills. Yes, it is true. Aside from summer, winter is the season of the year where your electric bills skyrocket to digits that cost you financial burden. Why? Because we...