Tagged: Geothermal

Use Geothermal Heat To Save Money On Your Household Heating Bills

Use Geothermal Heat To Save Money On Your Household Heating Bills

Use Geothermal Heat To Save Money On Your Household Heating Bills We are all looking for the cheapest electricity and natural gas prices, after all the less we spend on our fuel bills the more we have left over for the pleasures in life. So how attractive would it be to heat your home for free? It is possible by using geothermal energy. The Queen of England is planning to cut energy bills at Buckingham Palace for centuries to come by creating an underground network to extract heat from the earth’s natural warmth. The pipes containing water and a refrigerant...

Geothermal Heat Pumps Far Superior

Geothermal Heat Pumps Far Superior

Geothermal Heat Pumps Far Superior Few people are even aware that geothermal heat pumps are even an option when it comes to their heating and cooling needs. Most of us are aware that electric heat pumps are available but the new generation of geothermal units are just now gaining popularity. These state-of-the-art heat pumps provide the same continuous and even heat or cooling just like the electric pumps but they are far more efficient at doing so. So, if you are in need of a new heating/cooling system for you home or business, here are some reasons to consider purchasing...